We drove down to Kansas City last weekend to attend the annual Pool Party at Yegger and Nellie's house. Boy...think of the best times you've ever had, then multiply that times infinity and you MIGHT understand!
We arrived at our favorite B & B and were greeted with our own suite!
We took a short break after arriving (meaning Darius and I played like crazy) and then headed to the party!
Upon arrival, I get to check out the new pups.
They played hard all day too, albeit in their own little world!
It was HOT! I mean burn your pads on the deck HOT!! Good thing we had lots of pools to cool our HOT dogs in. We ended up with 16 dogs at the party!
What, me afraid of a pool...Nahhhhhhh
Here's a shot of me hogging the water bucket.
It was hard to get pics of all of us. We were blasting around the yard for hours!
Mandatory break. We follow service dog union rules...TBG was not happy about that!
It was also Deb and Aunt Linder's birthday, so we got to celebrate that too!
Flash forward to Sunday morning. The humans went out for breakfast and Darius and I made good use of the down time. Did I mention we were dog tired?
Hey Darius, smell anything weird??
Here we are doing our impression of TBG after breakfast.
Here we are doing our best to mess up the pics!
Fine, take the picture, but this is all you're getting...we're tired!
It's been almost a week and I've finally recouperated. We had such a great time in KC! Can't wait to see all my friends again.
Huge thanks to Larry, Sally, Yegger and Nellie for putting on such a great party. Also like to thank Aunt Debbie and Aunt Linder for all the fun time at the B & B!
See you all again soon.