Sunday, November 9, 2014

Turn-In Time 2014

The time has come and gone and PJ is now in Advanced Training. We had a great trip to Ohio, saw lots of friends and--bonus! We stayed at Ansel's house for a night!

                        PJ wanted a suite so she could play with her what PJ wants, PJ gets (at turn-in time, anyway!)

This is what it was like for hours!

We went out to dinner Thursday night and PJ met Ansel.

Now THIS is a bed!! Shh...don't tell Suzanne!


PJ and Darius watching us enjoy our breakfast Friday morning.

Pastel, PJ, Darius and their great puppy raisers--if I do say so myself--and I do!

Ok, so we're trying really hard to smile here.

PJ and Auntie Linder. Look at PJ's tail--no, she doesn't love her Aunties!

PJ in her matriculation attire--!

PJ and Pastel--watch out world! The sistas are in the house! Or, kennel...

Hellllllllooooooo...has anyone seen my Mom? 
Nepal was too young to attend graduation with us, so he warmed up the kennel at North Central for Pastel and PJ.

Dr. No and Auntie Linder. Life is good.

PJ and Pastel are dorm-mates at Canine College. Both looked quite at home and immediately started playing...ROUGH! The good part is that we knew they were having a fantastic time as we left the building.

So the hard part was over and we were sad to leave PJ behind, but...we were very lucky to stay with Mr. Ansel for one glorious night!!

Here, Ansel was showing us how he normally spends his nights!

We had a great trip, saw lots of friends, cried a few tears and had some good laughs. Thanks to all the wonderful people of CCI, friends and fellow puppy raisers and a special thanks to Joe and Denise for welcoming us into their house for a very special night with Ansel.

Rock on PJ!


  1. Best of luck to PJ in advanced training. I've been following her blog and you have done a fabulous job raising her. Is Nepal your new puppy?

  2. Nepal is being raised by another puppy raiser in Kansas City. He was too young to attend the graduation ceremony so he stayed in the kennel.

  3. What a weekend. I am sending lots of positive thoughts to Ohio as PJ and Pastel continue on their journey. Hope to be attending their Graduation in a few months. Love to you sweet girl! Just look at those trainers with that wonderful face and they will melt.


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